cmake version

cmake-properties - Reference of CMake properties.


  CMake Properties - Properties supported by CMake, the Cross-Platform Makefile Generator.

This is the documentation for the properties supported by CMake.  Properties
can have different scopes.  They can either be assigned to a source file, a
directory, a target or globally to CMake.  By modifying the values of
properties the behaviour of the build system can be customized.

Properties of Global Scope

       Allow duplicate custom targets to be created.

       Normally CMake requires that all targets built in a project have
       globally unique logical names (see policy CMP0002).  This is necessary
       to generate meaningful project file names in Xcode and VS IDE
       generators.  It also allows the target names to be referenced

       Makefile generators are capable of supporting duplicate custom target
       names.  For projects that care only about Makefile generators and do
       not wish to support Xcode or VS IDE generators, one may set this
       property to true to allow duplicate custom targets.  The property
       allows multiple add_custom_target command calls in different
       directories to specify the same target name.  However, setting this
       property will cause non-Makefile generators to produce an error and
       refuse to generate the project.

       Name of FOLDER for *_automoc targets that are added automatically by
       CMake for targets for which AUTOMOC is enabled.

       If not set, CMake uses the FOLDER property of the parent target as a
       default value for this property.  See also the documentation for the
       FOLDER target property and the AUTOMOC target property.

       Specify which configurations are for debugging.

       The value must be a semi-colon separated list of configuration names.
       Currently this property is used only by the target_link_libraries
       command (see its documentation for details).  Additional uses may be
       defined in the future.

       This property must be set at the top level of the project and before
       the first target_link_libraries command invocation.  If any entry in
       the list does not match a valid configuration for the project the
       behavior is undefined.

       List of features which are disabled during the CMake run.

       List of features which are disabled during the CMake run.  By default
       it contains the names of all packages which were not found.  This is
       determined using the <NAME>_FOUND variables.  Packages which are
       searched QUIET are not listed.  A project can add its own features to
       this list.  This property is used by the macros in

       List of features which are enabled during the CMake run.

       List of features which are enabled during the CMake run.  By default
       it contains the names of all packages which were found.  This is
       determined using the <NAME>_FOUND variables.  Packages which are
       searched QUIET are not listed.  A project can add its own features to
       this list.  This property is used by the macros in

       Read-only property that contains the list of currently enabled

       Set to list of currently enabled languages.

       Whether FIND_LIBRARY should automatically search lib64 directories.

       FIND_LIBRARY_USE_LIB64_PATHS is a boolean specifying whether the
       FIND_LIBRARY command should automatically search the lib64 variant of
       directories called lib in the search path when building 64-bit

       Whether FIND_LIBRARY should find OpenBSD-style shared libraries.

       This property is a boolean specifying whether the FIND_LIBRARY command
       should find shared libraries with OpenBSD-style versioned extension:
       ".so.<major>.<minor>".  The property is set to true on OpenBSD and
       false on other platforms.

       Enable global target dependency graph debug mode.

       CMake automatically analyzes the global inter-target dependency graph
       at the beginning of native build system generation.  This property
       causes it to display details of its analysis to stderr.

       Disallow global target dependency graph cycles.

       CMake automatically analyzes the global inter-target dependency graph
       at the beginning of native build system generation.  It reports an
       error if the dependency graph contains a cycle that does not consist
       of all STATIC library targets.  This property tells CMake to disallow
       all cycles completely, even among static libraries.

       Read-only property that is true during a try-compile configuration.

       True when building a project inside a TRY_COMPILE or TRY_RUN command.

       List of packages which were found during the CMake run.

       List of packages which were found during the CMake run.  Whether a
       package has been found is determined using the <NAME>_FOUND variables.

       List of packages which were not found during the CMake run.

       List of packages which were not found during the CMake run.  Whether a
       package has been found is determined using the <NAME>_FOUND variables.

       Name of FOLDER for targets that are added automatically by CMake.

       If not set, CMake uses "CMakePredefinedTargets" as a default value for
       this property.  Targets such as INSTALL, PACKAGE and RUN_TESTS will be
       organized into this FOLDER.  See also the documentation for the FOLDER
       target property.

       If set, report any undefined properties to this file.

       If this property is set to a filename then when CMake runs it will
       report any properties or variables that were accessed but not defined
       into the filename specified in this property.

       Specify a launcher for compile rules.

       Makefile generators prefix compiler commands with the given launcher
       command line.  This is intended to allow launchers to intercept build
       problems with high granularity.  Non-Makefile generators currently
       ignore this property.

       Specify a launcher for custom rules.

       Makefile generators prefix custom commands with the given launcher
       command line.  This is intended to allow launchers to intercept build
       problems with high granularity.  Non-Makefile generators currently
       ignore this property.

       Specify a launcher for link rules.

       Makefile generators prefix link and archive commands with the given
       launcher command line.  This is intended to allow launchers to
       intercept build problems with high granularity.  Non-Makefile
       generators currently ignore this property.

       Specify whether to report a message for each make rule.

       This property specifies whether Makefile generators should add a
       progress message describing what each build rule does.  If the
       property is not set the default is ON.  Set the property to OFF to
       disable granular messages and report only as each target completes.
       This is intended to allow scripted builds to avoid the build time cost
       of detailed reports.  If a CMAKE_RULE_MESSAGES cache entry exists its
       value initializes the value of this property.  Non-Makefile generators
       currently ignore this property.

       Set if shared libraries may be named like archives.

       On AIX shared libraries may be named "lib<name>.a".  This property is
       set to true on such platforms.

       Does the target platform support shared libraries.

       TARGET_SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBS is a boolean specifying whether the target
       platform supports shared libraries.  Basically all current general
       general purpose OS do so, the exception are usually embedded systems
       with no or special OSs.

       Use the FOLDER target property to organize targets into folders.

       If not set, CMake treats this property as OFF by default.  CMake
       generators that are capable of organizing into a hierarchy of folders
       use the values of the FOLDER target property to name those folders.
       See also the documentation for the FOLDER target property.

       Internal property

       Used to detect compiler changes, Do not set.

Properties on Directories

       Additional files to clean during the make clean stage.

       A list of files that will be cleaned as a part of the "make clean"

       List of cache variables available in the current directory.

       This read-only property specifies the list of CMake cache variables
       currently defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.

       Should the output of custom commands be left.

       If this is true then the outputs of custom commands for this directory
       will not be removed during the "make clean" stage.

       Preprocessor definitions for compiling a directory's sources.

       The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-separated
       list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or VAR=value.
       Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake will
       automatically escape the value correctly for the native build system
       (note that CMake language syntax may require escapes to specify some
       values).  This property may be set on a per-configuration basis using
       the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case
       name (ex.  "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG").  This property will be
       initialized in each directory by its value in the directory's parent.

       CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not supported
       by the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does not support definition
       values with spaces (but NMake does).

       Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escaping
       certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many cases but some values
       may just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a value does not seem
       to be escaped correctly, do not attempt to work-around the problem by
       adding escape sequences to the value.  Your work-around may break in a
       future version of CMake that has improved escape support.  Instead
       consider defining the macro in a (configured) header file.  Then
       report the limitation.  Known limitations include:

         #          - broken almost everywhere
         ;          - broken in VS IDE 7.0 and Borland Makefiles
         ,          - broken in VS IDE
         %          - broken in some cases in NMake
         & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
         ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

       CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work in
       some cases.  Use with caution.

       Per-configuration preprocessor definitions in a directory.

       This is the configuration-specific version of COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.
       This property will be initialized in each directory by its value in
       the directory's parent.

       List of options to pass to the compiler.

       This property specifies the list of directories given so far for this
       property.  This property exists on directories and targets.

       The target property values are used by the generators to set the
       options for the compiler.

       Contents of COMPILE_OPTIONS may use "generator expressions" with the
       syntax "$<...>".  Generator expressions are evaluated during build
       system generation to produce information specific to each build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       For CMake 2.4 compatibility only.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS instead.

       This read-only property specifies the list of flags given so far to
       the add_definitions command.  It is intended for debugging purposes.
       Use the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS instead.

       Exclude the directory from the all target of its parent.

       A property on a directory that indicates if its targets are excluded
       from the default build target.  If it is not, then with a Makefile for
       example typing make will cause the targets to be built.  The same
       concept applies to the default build of other generators.

       Specify #include line transforms for dependencies in a directory.

       This property specifies rules to transform macro-like #include lines
       during implicit dependency scanning of C and C++ source files.  The
       list of rules must be semicolon-separated with each entry of the form
       "A_MACRO(%)=value-with-%" (the % must be literal).  During dependency
       scanning occurrences of A_MACRO(...) on #include lines will be
       replaced by the value given with the macro argument substituted for
       '%'.  For example, the entry


       will convert lines of the form

         #include MYDIR(myheader.h)


         #include <mydir/myheader.h>

       allowing the dependency to be followed.

       This property applies to sources in all targets within a directory.
       The property value is initialized in each directory by its value in
       the directory's parent.

       List of preprocessor include file search directories.

       This property specifies the list of directories given so far to the
       include_directories command.  This property exists on directories and
       targets.  In addition to accepting values from the include_directories
       command, values may be set directly on any directory or any target
       using the set_property command.  A target gets its initial value for
       this property from the value of the directory property.  A directory
       gets its initial value from its parent directory if it has one.  Both
       directory and target property values are adjusted by calls to the
       include_directories command.

       The target property values are used by the generators to set the
       include paths for the compiler.  See also the include_directories

       Include file scanning regular expression.

       This read-only property specifies the regular expression used during
       dependency scanning to match include files that should be followed.
       See the include_regular_expression command.

       Enable interprocedural optimization for targets in a directory.

       If set to true, enables interprocedural optimizations if they are
       known to be supported by the compiler.

       Per-configuration interprocedural optimization for a directory.

       This is a per-configuration version of INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION.
       If set, this property overrides the generic property for the named

       List of linker search directories.

       This read-only property specifies the list of directories given so far
       to the link_directories command.  It is intended for debugging

       The current stack of listfiles being processed.

       This property is mainly useful when trying to debug errors in your
       CMake scripts.  It returns a list of what list files are currently
       being processed, in order.  So if one listfile does an INCLUDE command
       then that is effectively pushing the included listfile onto the stack.

       List of macro commands available in the current directory.

       This read-only property specifies the list of CMake macros currently
       defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.  See the macro

       Source directory that added current subdirectory.

       This read-only property specifies the source directory that added the
       current source directory as a subdirectory of the build.  In the
       top-level directory the value is the empty-string.

       Specify a launcher for compile rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global property for a directory.

       Specify a launcher for custom rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global property for a directory.

       Specify a launcher for link rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global property for a directory.

       A cmake file that will be included when ctest is run.

       If you specify TEST_INCLUDE_FILE, that file will be included and
       processed when ctest is run on the directory.

       List of variables defined in the current directory.

       This read-only property specifies the list of CMake variables
       currently defined.  It is intended for debugging purposes.

       Specify a postSolution global section in Visual Studio.

       Setting a property like this generates an entry of the following form
       in the solution file:

         GlobalSection(<section>) = postSolution
           <contents based on property value>

       The property must be set to a semicolon-separated list of key=value
       pairs.  Each such pair will be transformed into an entry in the
       solution global section.  Whitespace around key and value is ignored.
       List elements which do not contain an equal sign are skipped.

       This property only works for Visual Studio 7 and above; it is ignored
       on other generators.  The property only applies when set on a
       directory whose CMakeLists.txt contains a project() command.

       Note that CMake generates postSolution sections ExtensibilityGlobals
       and ExtensibilityAddIns by default.  If you set the corresponding
       property, it will override the default section.  For example, setting
       VS_GLOBAL_SECTION_POST_ExtensibilityGlobals will override the default
       contents of the ExtensibilityGlobals section, while keeping
       ExtensibilityAddIns on its default.

       Specify a preSolution global section in Visual Studio.

       Setting a property like this generates an entry of the following form
       in the solution file:

         GlobalSection(<section>) = preSolution
           <contents based on property value>

       The property must be set to a semicolon-separated list of key=value
       pairs.  Each such pair will be transformed into an entry in the
       solution global section.  Whitespace around key and value is ignored.
       List elements which do not contain an equal sign are skipped.

       This property only works for Visual Studio 7 and above; it is ignored
       on other generators.  The property only applies when set on a
       directory whose CMakeLists.txt contains a project() command.

Properties on Targets

       Old per-configuration target file base name.

       This is a configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.  Use
       OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> instead.

       Postfix to append to the target file name for configuration <CONFIG>.

       When building with configuration <CONFIG> the value of this property
       is appended to the target file name built on disk.  For non-executable
       targets, this property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_<CONFIG>_POSTFIX if it is set when a target is created.  This
       property is ignored on the Mac for Frameworks and App Bundles.

       Value for symbol visibility compile flags

       The <LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET property determines the value passed in a
       visibility related compile option, such as -fvisibility= for <LANG>.
       This property only has an affect for libraries and executables with
       exports.  This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_<LANG>_VISIBILITY_PRESET if it is set when a target is created.

       Name of target aliased by this target.

       If this is an ALIAS target, this property contains the name of the
       target aliased.

       Output directory in which to build ARCHIVE target files.

       This property specifies the directory into which archive target files
       should be built.  Multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created.

       Per-configuration output directory for ARCHIVE target files.

       This is a per-configuration version of ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, but
       multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> if it is set when a target is

       Output name for ARCHIVE target files.

       This property specifies the base name for archive target files.  It
       overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

       Per-configuration output name for ARCHIVE target files.

       This is the configuration-specific version of ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_NAME.

       Should the target be processed with automoc (for Qt projects).

       AUTOMOC is a boolean specifying whether CMake will handle the Qt moc
       preprocessor automatically, i.e.  without having to use the
       QT4_WRAP_CPP() or QT5_WRAP_CPP() macro.  Currently Qt4 and Qt5 are
       supported.  When this property is set to TRUE, CMake will scan the
       source files at build time and invoke moc accordingly.  If an #include
       statement like #include "moc_foo.cpp" is found, the Q_OBJECT class
       declaration is expected in the header, and moc is run on the header
       file.  If an #include statement like #include "foo.moc" is found, then
       a Q_OBJECT is expected in the current source file and moc is run on
       the file itself.  Additionally, all header files are parsed for
       Q_OBJECT macros, and if found, moc is also executed on those files.
       The resulting moc files, which are not included as shown above in any
       of the source files are included in a generated
       <targetname>_automoc.cpp file, which is compiled as part of the
       target.This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_AUTOMOC if it is set when a target is created.

       Additional command line options for moc can be set via the
       AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS property.

       By setting the CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE variable to TRUE the rules
       for searching the files which will be processed by moc can be relaxed.
       See the documentation for this variable for more details.

       The global property AUTOMOC_TARGETS_FOLDER can be used to group the
       automoc targets together in an IDE, e.g.  in MSVS.

       Additional options for moc when using automoc (see the AUTOMOC

       This property is only used if the AUTOMOC property is set to TRUE for
       this target.  In this case, it holds additional command line options
       which will be used when moc is executed during the build, i.e.  it is
       equivalent to the optional OPTIONS argument of the qt4_wrap_cpp()

       By default it is empty.

       Should build tree targets have install tree rpaths.

       BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to link the
       target in the build tree with the INSTALL_RPATH.  This takes
       precedence over SKIP_BUILD_RPATH and avoids the need for relinking
       before installation.  This property is initialized by the value of the
       variable CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH if it is set when a target is

       This target is a CFBundle on the Mac.

       If a module library target has this property set to true it will be
       built as a CFBundle when built on the mac.  It will have the directory
       structure required for a CFBundle and will be suitable to be used for
       creating Browser Plugins or other application resources.

       The file extension used to name a BUNDLE target on the Mac.

       The default value is "bundle" - you can also use "plugin" or whatever
       file extension is required by the host app for your bundle.

       Properties which must be compatible with their link interface

       The COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_BOOL property may contain a list of
       propertiesfor this target which must be consistent when evaluated as a
       boolean in the INTERFACE of all linked dependees.  For example, if a
       property "FOO" appears in the list, then for each dependee, the
       "INTERFACE_FOO" property content in all of its dependencies must be
       consistent with each other, and with the "FOO" property in the
       dependee.  Consistency in this sense has the meaning that if the
       property is set, then it must have the same boolean value as all
       others, and if the property is not set, then it is ignored.  Note that
       for each dependee, the set of properties from this property must not
       intersect with the set of properties from the

       Properties which must be string-compatible with their link interface

       The COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_STRING property may contain a list of
       properties for this target which must be the same when evaluated as a
       string in the INTERFACE of all linked dependees.  For example, if a
       property "FOO" appears in the list, then for each dependee, the
       "INTERFACE_FOO" property content in all of its dependencies must be
       equal with each other, and with the "FOO" property in the dependee.
       If the property is not set, then it is ignored.  Note that for each
       dependee, the set of properties from this property must not intersect
       with the set of properties from the COMPATIBLE_INTERFACE_BOOL

       Preprocessor definitions for compiling a target's sources.

       The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-separated
       list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or VAR=value.
       Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake will
       automatically escape the value correctly for the native build system
       (note that CMake language syntax may require escapes to specify some
       values).  This property may be set on a per-configuration basis using
       the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case
       name (ex.  "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG").

       CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not supported
       by the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does not support definition
       values with spaces (but NMake does).

       Contents of COMPILE_DEFINITIONS may use "generator expressions" with
       the syntax "$<...>".  Generator expressions are evaluated during build
       system generation to produce information specific to each build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escaping
       certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many cases but some values
       may just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a value does not seem
       to be escaped correctly, do not attempt to work-around the problem by
       adding escape sequences to the value.  Your work-around may break in a
       future version of CMake that has improved escape support.  Instead
       consider defining the macro in a (configured) header file.  Then
       report the limitation.  Known limitations include:

         #          - broken almost everywhere
         ;          - broken in VS IDE 7.0 and Borland Makefiles
         ,          - broken in VS IDE
         %          - broken in some cases in NMake
         & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
         ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

       CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work in
       some cases.  Use with caution.

       Per-configuration preprocessor definitions on a target.

       This is the configuration-specific version of COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.

       Additional flags to use when compiling this target's sources.

       The COMPILE_FLAGS property sets additional compiler flags used to
       build sources within the target.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS to pass
       additional preprocessor definitions.

       List of options to pass to the compiler.

       This property specifies the list of options specified so far for this
       property.  This property exists on directories and targets.

       The target property values are used by the generators to set the
       options for the compiler.

       Contents of COMPILE_OPTIONS may use "generator expressions" with the
       syntax "$<...>".  Generator expressions are evaluated during build
       system generation to produce information specific to each build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       See target property <CONFIG>_POSTFIX.

       This property is a special case of the more-general <CONFIG>_POSTFIX
       property for the DEBUG configuration.

       Define a symbol when compiling this target's sources.

       DEFINE_SYMBOL sets the name of the preprocessor symbol defined when
       compiling sources in a shared library.  If not set here then it is set
       to target_EXPORTS by default (with some substitutions if the target is
       not a valid C identifier).  This is useful for headers to know whether
       they are being included from inside their library or outside to
       properly setup dllexport/dllimport decorations.

       Specify whether an executable exports symbols for loadable modules.

       Normally an executable does not export any symbols because it is the
       final program.  It is possible for an executable to export symbols to
       be used by loadable modules.  When this property is set to true CMake
       will allow other targets to "link" to the executable with the
       TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES command.  On all platforms a target-level
       dependency on the executable is created for targets that link to it.
       For DLL platforms an import library will be created for the exported
       symbols and then used for linking.  All Windows-based systems
       including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  For non-DLL platforms that
       require all symbols to be resolved at link time, such as Mac OS X, the
       module will "link" to the executable using a flag like
       "-bundle_loader".  For other non-DLL platforms the link rule is simply
       ignored since the dynamic loader will automatically bind symbols when
       the module is loaded.

       Exclude the target from the all target.

       A property on a target that indicates if the target is excluded from
       the default build target.  If it is not, then with a Makefile for
       example typing make will cause this target to be built.  The same
       concept applies to the default build of other generators.  Installing
       a target with EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL set to true has undefined behavior.

       Exclude target from "Build Solution".

       This property is only used by Visual Studio generators 7 and above.
       When set to TRUE, the target will not be built when you press "Build

       Per-configuration version of target exclusion from "Build Solution".

       This is the configuration-specific version of
       is also set on a target, EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD_<CONFIG> takes
       precedence in configurations for which it has a value.

       Exported name for target files.

       This sets the name for the IMPORTED target generated when it this
       target is is exported.  If not set, the logical target name is used by

       A message to be displayed when the target is built.

       A message to display on some generators (such as makefiles) when the
       target is built.

       Set the folder name.  Use to organize targets in an IDE.

       Targets with no FOLDER property will appear as top level entities in
       IDEs like Visual Studio.  Targets with the same FOLDER property value
       will appear next to each other in a folder of that name.  To nest
       folders, use FOLDER values such as 'GUI/Dialogs' with '/' characters
       separating folder levels.

       This target is a framework on the Mac.

       If a shared library target has this property set to true it will be
       built as a framework when built on the mac.  It will have the
       directory structure required for a framework and will be suitable to
       be used with the -framework option

       Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

       This property tells CMake whether the Fortran source files in a target
       use fixed-format or free-format.  CMake will pass the corresponding
       format flag to the compiler.  Use the source-specific Fortran_FORMAT
       property to change the format of a specific source file.  If the
       variable CMAKE_Fortran_FORMAT is set when a target is created its
       value is used to initialize this property.

       Specify output directory for Fortran modules provided by the target.

       If the target contains Fortran source files that provide modules and
       the compiler supports a module output directory this specifies the
       directory in which the modules will be placed.  When this property is
       not set the modules will be placed in the build directory
       corresponding to the target's source directory.  If the variable
       CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY is set when a target is created its
       value is used to initialize this property.

       Note that some compilers will automatically search the module output
       directory for modules USEd during compilation but others will not.  If
       your sources USE modules their location must be specified by
       INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES regardless of this property.

       Generator's file for this target.

       An internal property used by some generators to record the name of the
       project or dsp file associated with this target.  Note that at
       configure time, this property is only set for targets created by

       Convert GNU import library (.dll.a) to MS format (.lib).

       When linking a shared library or executable that exports symbols using
       GNU tools on Windows (MinGW/MSYS) with Visual Studio installed convert
       the import library (.dll.a) from GNU to MS format (.lib).  Both import
       libraries will be installed by install(TARGETS) and exported by
       install(EXPORT) and export() to be linked by applications with either
       GNU- or MS-compatible tools.

       If the variable CMAKE_GNUtoMS is set when a target is created its
       value is used to initialize this property.  The variable must be set
       prior to the first command that enables a language such as project()
       or enable_language().  CMake provides the variable as an option to the
       user automatically when configuring on Windows with GNU tools.

       Link the target using the C++ linker tool (obsolete).

       This is equivalent to setting the LINKER_LANGUAGE property to CXX.
       See that property's documentation for details.

       Specify #include line transforms for dependencies in a target.

       This property specifies rules to transform macro-like #include lines
       during implicit dependency scanning of C and C++ source files.  The
       list of rules must be semicolon-separated with each entry of the form
       "A_MACRO(%)=value-with-%" (the % must be literal).  During dependency
       scanning occurrences of A_MACRO(...) on #include lines will be
       replaced by the value given with the macro argument substituted for
       '%'.  For example, the entry


       will convert lines of the form

         #include MYDIR(myheader.h)


         #include <mydir/myheader.h>

       allowing the dependency to be followed.

       This property applies to sources in the target on which it is set.

       Read-only indication of whether a target is IMPORTED.

       The boolean value of this property is true for targets created with
       the IMPORTED option to add_executable or add_library.  It is false for
       targets built within the project.

       Configurations provided for an IMPORTED target.

       Set this to the list of configuration names available for an IMPORTED
       target.  The names correspond to configurations defined in the project
       from which the target is imported.  If the importing project uses a
       different set of configurations the names may be mapped using the
       MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> property.  Ignored for non-imported

       Full path to the import library for an IMPORTED target.

       Set this to the location of the ".lib" part of a windows DLL.  Ignored
       for non-imported targets.

       <CONFIG>-specific version of IMPORTED_IMPLIB property.

       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.

       Dependent shared libraries of an imported shared library.

       Shared libraries may be linked to other shared libraries as part of
       their implementation.  On some platforms the linker searches for the
       dependent libraries of shared libraries they are including in the
       link.  Set this property to the list of dependent shared libraries of
       an imported library.  The list should be disjoint from the list of
       interface libraries in the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property.  On
       platforms requiring dependent shared libraries to be found at link
       time CMake uses this list to add appropriate files or paths to the
       link command line.  Ignored for non-imported targets.


       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.  If set, this property completely
       overrides the generic property for the named configuration.

       Languages compiled into an IMPORTED static library.

       Set this to the list of languages of source files compiled to produce
       a STATIC IMPORTED library (such as "C" or "CXX").  CMake accounts for
       these languages when computing how to link a target to the imported
       library.  For example, when a C executable links to an imported C++
       static library CMake chooses the C++ linker to satisfy language
       runtime dependencies of the static library.

       This property is ignored for targets that are not STATIC libraries.
       This property is ignored for non-imported targets.


       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.  If set, this property completely
       overrides the generic property for the named configuration.

       Transitive link interface of an IMPORTED target.

       Set this to the list of libraries whose interface is included when an
       IMPORTED library target is linked to another target.  The libraries
       will be included on the link line for the target.  Unlike the
       LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES property, this property applies to all
       imported target types, including STATIC libraries.  This property is
       ignored for non-imported targets.

       This property is ignored if the target also has a non-empty

       This property is deprecated.  Use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES instead.


       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.  If set, this property completely
       overrides the generic property for the named configuration.

       This property is ignored if the target also has a non-empty

       This property is deprecated.  Use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES instead.

       Repetition count for cycles of IMPORTED static libraries.



       If set, this property completely overrides the generic property for
       the named configuration.

       Full path to the main file on disk for an IMPORTED target.

       Set this to the location of an IMPORTED target file on disk.  For
       executables this is the location of the executable file.  For bundles
       on OS X this is the location of the executable file inside
       Contents/MacOS under the application bundle folder.  For static
       libraries and modules this is the location of the library or module.
       For shared libraries on non-DLL platforms this is the location of the
       shared library.  For frameworks on OS X this is the location of the
       library file symlink just inside the framework folder.  For DLLs this
       is the location of the ".dll" part of the library.  For UNKNOWN
       libraries this is the location of the file to be linked.  Ignored for
       non-imported targets.

       Projects may skip IMPORTED_LOCATION if the configuration-specific
       property IMPORTED_LOCATION_<CONFIG> is set.  To get the location of an
       imported target read one of the LOCATION or LOCATION_<CONFIG>

       <CONFIG>-specific version of IMPORTED_LOCATION property.

       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.

       Specifies that an IMPORTED shared library target has no "soname".

       Set this property to true for an imported shared library file that has
       no "soname" field.  CMake may adjust generated link commands for some
       platforms to prevent the linker from using the path to the library in
       place of its missing soname.  Ignored for non-imported targets.

       <CONFIG>-specific version of IMPORTED_NO_SONAME property.

       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.

       The "soname" of an IMPORTED target of shared library type.

       Set this to the "soname" embedded in an imported shared library.  This
       is meaningful only on platforms supporting the feature.  Ignored for
       non-imported targets.

       <CONFIG>-specific version of IMPORTED_SONAME property.

       Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from
       which the target is imported.

       What comes before the import library name.

       Similar to the target property PREFIX, but used for import libraries
       (typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of regular libraries.  A
       target property that can be set to override the prefix (such as "lib")
       on an import library name.

       What comes after the import library name.

       Similar to the target property SUFFIX, but used for import libraries
       (typically corresponding to a DLL) instead of regular libraries.  A
       target property that can be set to override the suffix (such as
       ".lib") on an import library name.

       List of preprocessor include file search directories.

       This property specifies the list of directories given so far to the
       include_directories command.  This property exists on directories and
       targets.  In addition to accepting values from the include_directories
       command, values may be set directly on any directory or any target
       using the set_property command.  A target gets its initial value for
       this property from the value of the directory property.  A directory
       gets its initial value from its parent directory if it has one.  Both
       directory and target property values are adjusted by calls to the
       include_directories command.

       The target property values are used by the generators to set the
       include paths for the compiler.  See also the include_directories

       Contents of INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES may use "generator expressions" with
       the syntax "$<...>".  Generator expressions are evaluated during build
       system generation to produce information specific to each build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       Mac OSX directory name for installed targets.

       INSTALL_NAME_DIR is a string specifying the directory portion of the
       "install_name" field of shared libraries on Mac OSX to use in the
       installed targets.

       The rpath to use for installed targets.

       A semicolon-separated list specifying the rpath to use in installed
       targets (for platforms that support it).  This property is initialized
       by the value of the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH if it is set when a
       target is created.

       Add paths to linker search and installed rpath.

       INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH is a boolean that if set to true will
       append directories in the linker search path and outside the project
       to the INSTALL_RPATH.  This property is initialized by the value of
       the variable CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH if it is set when a
       target is created.

       List of public compile definitions for a library.

       Targets may populate this property to publish the compile definitions
       required to compile against the headers for the target.  Consuming
       targets can add entries to their own COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property such
       compile definitions specified in the interface of 'foo'.

       Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to
       produce information specific to each build configuration.  Valid
       expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       List of interface options to pass to the compiler.

       Targets may populate this property to publish the compile options
       required to compile against the headers for the target.  Consuming
       targets can add entries to their own COMPILE_OPTIONS property such as
       $<TARGET_PROPERTY:foo,INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS> to use the compile
       options specified in the interface of 'foo'.

       Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to
       produce information specific to each build configuration.  Valid
       expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       List of public include directories for a library.

       Targets may populate this property to publish the include directories
       required to compile against the headers for the target.  Consuming
       targets can add entries to their own INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property such
       include directories specified in the interface of 'foo'.

       Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to
       produce information specific to each build configuration.  Valid
       expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       List public interface libraries for a library.

       This property contains the list of transitive link dependencies.  When
       the target is linked into another target the libraries listed (and
       recursively their link interface libraries) will be provided to the
       other target also.  This property is overridden by the
       if policy CMP0022 is OLD or unset.


       Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to
       produce information specific to each build configuration.  Valid
       expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       Whether consumers need to create a position-independent target

       The INTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property informs consumers of
       this target whether they must set their POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE
       property to ON.  If this property is set to ON, then the
       POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property on all consumers will be set to ON.
       Similarly, if this property is set to OFF, then the
       POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property on all consumers will be set to
       OFF.  If this property is undefined, then consumers will determine
       their POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property by other means.  Consumers
       must ensure that the targets that they link to have a consistent
       requirement for their INTERFACE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property.

       List of public system include directories for a library.

       Targets may populate this property to publish the include directories
       which contain system headers, and therefore should not result in
       compiler warnings.  Consuming targets will then mark the same include
       directories as system headers.

       Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to
       produce information specific to each build configuration.  Valid
       expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       Enable interprocedural optimization for a target.

       If set to true, enables interprocedural optimizations if they are
       known to be supported by the compiler.

       Per-configuration interprocedural optimization for a target.

       This is a per-configuration version of INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION.
       If set, this property overrides the generic property for the named

       Specify a list of text labels associated with a target.

       Target label semantics are currently unspecified.

       Output directory in which to build LIBRARY target files.

       This property specifies the directory into which library target files
       should be built.  Multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created.

       Per-configuration output directory for LIBRARY target files.

       This is a per-configuration version of LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, but
       multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> if it is set when a target is

       Output name for LIBRARY target files.

       This property specifies the base name for library target files.  It
       overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

       Per-configuration output name for LIBRARY target files.

       This is the configuration-specific version of LIBRARY_OUTPUT_NAME.

       Specifies language whose compiler will invoke the linker.

       For executables, shared libraries, and modules, this sets the language
       whose compiler is used to link the target (such as "C" or "CXX").  A
       typical value for an executable is the language of the source file
       providing the program entry point (main).  If not set, the language
       with the highest linker preference value is the default.  See
       documentation of CMAKE_<LANG>_LINKER_PREFERENCE variables.

       If this property is not set by the user, it will be calculated at
       generate-time by CMake.

       Additional files on which a target binary depends for linking.

       Specifies a semicolon-separated list of full-paths to files on which
       the link rule for this target depends.  The target binary will be
       linked if any of the named files is newer than it.

       This property is ignored by non-Makefile generators.  It is intended
       to specify dependencies on "linker scripts" for custom Makefile link

       Do not depend on linked shared library files.

       Set this property to true to tell CMake generators not to add
       file-level dependencies on the shared library files linked by this
       target.  Modification to the shared libraries will not be sufficient
       to re-link this target.  Logical target-level dependencies will not be
       affected so the linked shared libraries will still be brought up to
       date before this target is built.

       This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_LINK_DEPENDS_NO_SHARED if it is set when a target is created.

       Additional flags to use when linking this target.

       The LINK_FLAGS property can be used to add extra flags to the link
       step of a target.  LINK_FLAGS_<CONFIG> will add to the configuration

       Per-configuration linker flags for a target.

       This is the configuration-specific version of LINK_FLAGS.

       List public interface libraries for a shared library or executable.

       By default linking to a shared library target transitively links to
       targets with which the library itself was linked.  For an executable
       with exports (see the ENABLE_EXPORTS property) no default transitive
       link dependencies are used.  This property replaces the default
       transitive link dependencies with an explicit list.  When the target
       is linked into another target the libraries listed (and recursively
       their link interface libraries) will be provided to the other target
       also.  If the list is empty then no transitive link dependencies will
       be incorporated when this target is linked into another target even if
       the default set is non-empty.  This property is initialized by the
       value of the variable CMAKE_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES if it is set when
       a target is created.  This property is ignored for STATIC libraries.

       This property is overridden by the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property
       if policy CMP0022 is NEW.

       This property is deprecated.  Use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES instead.

       Per-configuration list of public interface libraries for a target.

       This is the configuration-specific version of
       LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES.  If set, this property completely overrides
       the generic property for the named configuration.

       This property is overridden by the INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES property
       if policy CMP0022 is NEW.

       This property is deprecated.  Use INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES instead.

       Repetition count for STATIC libraries with cyclic dependencies.

       When linking to a STATIC library target with cyclic dependencies the
       linker may need to scan more than once through the archives in the
       strongly connected component of the dependency graph.  CMake by
       default constructs the link line so that the linker will scan through
       the component at least twice.  This property specifies the minimum
       number of scans if it is larger than the default.  CMake uses the
       largest value specified by any target in a component.

       Per-configuration repetition count for cycles of STATIC libraries.

       This is the configuration-specific version of
       LINK_INTERFACE_MULTIPLICITY.  If set, this property completely
       overrides the generic property for the named configuration.

       List of direct link dependencies.

       This property specifies the list of libraries or targets which will be
       used for linking.  In addition to accepting values from the
       target_link_libraries command, values may be set directly on any
       target using the set_property command.

       The target property values are used by the generators to set the link
       libraries for the compiler.  See also the target_link_libraries

       Contents of LINK_LIBRARIES may use "generator expressions" with the
       syntax "$<...>".  Generator expressions are evaluated during build
       system generation to produce information specific to each build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<0:...>                  = empty string (ignores "...")
         $<1:...>                  = content of "..."
         $<CONFIG:cfg>             = '1' if config is "cfg", else '0'
         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<BOOL:...>               = '1' if the '...' is true, else '0'
         $<STREQUAL:a,b>           = '1' if a is STREQUAL b, else '0'
         $<ANGLE-R>                = A literal '>'. Used to compare strings which contain a '>' for example.
         $<COMMA>                  = A literal ','. Used to compare strings which contain a ',' for example.
         $<SEMICOLON>              = A literal ';'. Used to prevent list expansion on an argument with ';'.
         $<JOIN:list,...>          = joins the list with the content of "..."
         $<TARGET_NAME:...>        = Marks ... as being the name of a target.  This is required if exporting targets to multiple dependent export sets.  The '...' must be a literal name of a target- it may not contain generator expressions.
         $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:...>  = content of "..." when the property is exported using install(EXPORT), and empty otherwise.
         $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...>    = content of "..." when the property is exported using export(), or when the target is used by another target in the same buildsystem. Expands to the empty string otherwise.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID>          = The CMake-id of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_ID:comp>     = '1' if the CMake-id of the C compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID>        = The CMake-id of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_ID:comp>   = '1' if the CMake-id of the CXX compiler matches comp, otherwise '0'.
         $<VERSION_GREATER:v1,v2>  = '1' if v1 is a version greater than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_LESS:v1,v2>     = '1' if v1 is a version less than v2, else '0'.
         $<VERSION_EQUAL:v1,v2>    = '1' if v1 is the same version as v2, else '0'.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION>     = The version of the C compiler used.
         $<C_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the C compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION>   = The version of the CXX compiler used.
         $<CXX_COMPILER_VERSION:ver> = '1' if the version of the CXX compiler matches ver, otherwise '0'.
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

       where "tgt" is the name of a target.  Target file expressions produce
       a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:



         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:tgt,prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target tgt.

       Note that tgt is not added as a dependency of the target this
       expression is evaluated on.

         $<TARGET_POLICY:pol>          = '1' if the policy was NEW when the 'head' target was created, else '0'.  If the policy was not set, the warning message for the policy will be emitted.  This generator expression only works for a subset of policies.
         $<INSTALL_PREFIX>         = Content of the install prefix when the target is exported via INSTALL(EXPORT) and empty otherwise.

       Boolean expressions:

         $<AND:?[,?]...>           = '1' if all '?' are '1', else '0'
         $<OR:?[,?]...>            = '0' if all '?' are '0', else '1'
         $<NOT:?>                  = '0' if '?' is '1', else '1'

       where '?' is always either '0' or '1'.

       Expressions with an implicit 'this' target:

         $<TARGET_PROPERTY:prop>   = The value of the property prop on the target on which the generator expression is evaluated.

       End a link line such that static system libraries are used.

       Some linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic to
       determine whether to use static or shared libraries for -lXXX options.
       CMake uses these options to set the link type for libraries whose full
       paths are not known or (in some cases) are in implicit link
       directories for the platform.  By default CMake adds an option at the
       end of the library list (if necessary) to set the linker search type
       back to its starting type.  This property switches the final linker
       search type to -Bstatic regardless of how it started.  See also

       Assume the linker looks for static libraries by default.

       Some linkers support switches such as -Bstatic and -Bdynamic to
       determine whether to use static or shared libraries for -lXXX options.
       CMake uses these options to set the link type for libraries whose full
       paths are not known or (in some cases) are in implicit link
       directories for the platform.  By default the linker search type is
       assumed to be -Bdynamic at the beginning of the library list.  This
       property switches the assumption to -Bstatic.  It is intended for use
       when linking an executable statically (e.g.  with the GNU -static
       option).  See also LINK_SEARCH_END_STATIC.

       Read-only location of a target on disk.

       For an imported target, this read-only property returns the value of
       the LOCATION_<CONFIG> property for an unspecified configuration
       <CONFIG> provided by the target.

       For a non-imported target, this property is provided for compatibility
       with CMake 2.4 and below.  It was meant to get the location of an
       executable target's output file for use in add_custom_command.  The
       path may contain a build-system-specific portion that is replaced at
       build time with the configuration getting built (such as
       "$(ConfigurationName)" in VS).  In CMake 2.6 and above
       add_custom_command automatically recognizes a target name in its
       COMMAND and DEPENDS options and computes the target location.  In
       CMake 2.8.4 and above add_custom_command recognizes generator
       expressions to refer to target locations anywhere in the command.
       Therefore this property is not needed for creating custom commands.

       Do not set properties that affect the location of a target after
       reading this property.  These include properties whose names match
       "(IMPLIB_)?(PREFIX|SUFFIX)", or "LINKER_LANGUAGE".  Failure to follow
       this rule is not diagnosed and leaves the location of the target

       Read-only property providing a target location on disk.

       A read-only property that indicates where a target's main file is
       located on disk for the configuration <CONFIG>.  The property is
       defined only for library and executable targets.  An imported target
       may provide a set of configurations different from that of the
       importing project.  By default CMake looks for an exact-match but
       otherwise uses an arbitrary available configuration.  Use the
       MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_<CONFIG> property to map imported configurations

       Do not set properties that affect the location of a target after
       reading this property.  These include properties whose names match
       "(IMPLIB_)?(PREFIX|SUFFIX)", or "LINKER_LANGUAGE".  Failure to follow
       this rule is not diagnosed and leaves the location of the target

       Build an executable as an application bundle on Mac OS X.

       When this property is set to true the executable when built on Mac OS
       X will be created as an application bundle.  This makes it a GUI
       executable that can be launched from the Finder.  See the
       MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST target property for information about
       creation of the Info.plist file for the application bundle.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_MACOSX_BUNDLE if it is set when a target is created.

       Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X App Bundle.

       An executable target with MACOSX_BUNDLE enabled will be built as an
       application bundle on Mac OS X.  By default its Info.plist file is
       created by configuring a template called
       located in the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.  This property specifies an
       alternative template file name which may be a full path.

       The following target properties may be set to specify content to be
       configured into the file:


       CMake variables of the same name may be set to affect all targets in a
       directory that do not have each specific property set.  If a custom
       Info.plist is specified by this property it may of course hard-code
       all the settings instead of using the target properties.

       Specify a custom Info.plist template for a Mac OS X Framework.

       A library target with FRAMEWORK enabled will be built as a framework
       on Mac OS X.  By default its Info.plist file is created by configuring
       a template called located in the
       CMAKE_MODULE_PATH.  This property specifies an alternative template
       file name which may be a full path.

       The following target properties may be set to specify content to be
       configured into the file:


       CMake variables of the same name may be set to affect all targets in a
       directory that do not have each specific property set.  If a custom
       Info.plist is specified by this property it may of course hard-code
       all the settings instead of using the target properties.

       Whether to use rpaths on Mac OS X.

       When this property is set to true, the directory portion of
       the"install_name" field of shared libraries will default to
       "@rpath".Runtime paths will also be embedded in binaries using this
       target.This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.

       Map from project configuration to IMPORTED target's configuration.

       Set this to the list of configurations of an imported target that may
       be used for the current project's <CONFIG> configuration.  Targets
       imported from another project may not provide the same set of
       configuration names available in the current project.  Setting this
       property tells CMake what imported configurations are suitable for use
       when building the <CONFIG> configuration.  The first configuration in
       the list found to be provided by the imported target is selected.  If
       this property is set and no matching configurations are available,
       then the imported target is considered to be not found.  This property
       is ignored for non-imported targets.

       Logical name for the target.

       Read-only logical name for the target as used by CMake.

       Whether to set "soname" when linking a shared library or module.

       Enable this boolean property if a generated shared library or module
       should not have "soname" set.  Default is to set "soname" on all
       shared libraries and modules as long as the platform supports it.
       Generally, use this property only for leaf private libraries or
       plugins.  If you use it on normal shared libraries which other targets
       link against, on some platforms a linker will insert a full path to
       the library (as specified at link time) into the dynamic section of
       the dependent binary.  Therefore, once installed, dynamic loader may
       eventually fail to locate the library for the binary.

       Target specific architectures for OS X.

       The OSX_ARCHITECTURES property sets the target binary architecture for
       targets on OS X.  This property is initialized by the value of the
       variable CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES if it is set when a target is
       created.  Use OSX_ARCHITECTURES_<CONFIG> to set the binary
       architectures on a per-configuration basis.  <CONFIG> is an upper-case
       name (ex: "OSX_ARCHITECTURES_DEBUG").

       Per-configuration OS X binary architectures for a target.

       This property is the configuration-specific version of

       Output name for target files.

       This sets the base name for output files created for an executable or
       library target.  If not set, the logical target name is used by

       Per-configuration target file base name.

       This is the configuration-specific version of OUTPUT_NAME.

       Output name for MS debug symbols .pdb file from linker.

       Set the base name for debug symbols file created for an executable or
       shared library target.  If not set, the logical target name is used by

       This property is not implemented by the Visual Studio 6 generator.

       Per-configuration name for MS debug symbols .pdb file.

       This is the configuration-specific version of PDB_NAME.

       This property is not implemented by the Visual Studio 6 generator.

       Output directory for MS debug symbols .pdb file from linker.

       This property specifies the directory into which the MS debug symbols
       will be placed by the linker.  This property is initialized by the
       value of the variable CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a
       target is created.

       This property is not implemented by the Visual Studio 6 generator.

       Per-configuration output directory for MS debug symbols .pdb files.

       This is a per-configuration version of PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, but
       multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_PDB_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> if it is set when a target is

       This property is not implemented by the Visual Studio 6 generator.

       Whether to create a position-independent target

       The POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property determines whether position
       independent executables or shared libraries will be created.  This
       property is true by default for SHARED and MODULE library targets and
       false otherwise.  This property is initialized by the value of the
       variable CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE if it is set when a target is

       Deprecated install support.

       The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT properties are the old
       way to specify CMake scripts to run before and after installing a
       target.  They are used only when the old INSTALL_TARGETS command is
       used to install the target.  Use the INSTALL command instead.

       What comes before the library name.

       A target property that can be set to override the prefix (such as
       "lib") on a library name.

       Deprecated install support.

       The PRE_INSTALL_SCRIPT and POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT properties are the old
       way to specify CMake scripts to run before and after installing a
       target.  They are used only when the old INSTALL_TARGETS command is
       used to install the target.  Use the INSTALL command instead.

       Specify private header files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.

       Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate
       frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.
       This property may be set to a list of header files to be placed in the
       PrivateHeaders directory inside the framework folder.  On non-Apple
       platforms these headers may be installed using the PRIVATE_HEADER
       option to the install(TARGETS) command.

       Change the name of a target in an IDE.

       Can be used to change the name of the target in an IDE like Visual

       Specify public header files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.

       Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate
       frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.
       This property may be set to a list of header files to be placed in the
       Headers directory inside the framework folder.  On non-Apple platforms
       these headers may be installed using the PUBLIC_HEADER option to the
       install(TARGETS) command.

       Specify resource files in a FRAMEWORK shared library target.

       Shared library targets marked with the FRAMEWORK property generate
       frameworks on OS X and normal shared libraries on other platforms.
       This property may be set to a list of files to be placed in the
       Resources directory inside the framework folder.  On non-Apple
       platforms these files may be installed using the RESOURCE option to
       the install(TARGETS) command.

       Specify a launcher for compile rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global and directory property for a target.

       Specify a launcher for custom rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global and directory property for a target.

       Specify a launcher for link rules.

       See the global property of the same name for details.  This overrides
       the global and directory property for a target.

       Output directory in which to build RUNTIME target files.

       This property specifies the directory into which runtime target files
       should be built.  Multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY if it is set when a target is created.

       Per-configuration output directory for RUNTIME target files.

       This is a per-configuration version of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, but
       multi-configuration generators (VS, Xcode) do NOT append a
       per-configuration subdirectory to the specified directory.  This
       property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_<CONFIG> if it is set when a target is

       Output name for RUNTIME target files.

       This property specifies the base name for runtime target files.  It
       overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_<CONFIG> properties.  There are
       three kinds of target files that may be built: archive, library, and
       runtime.  Executables are always treated as runtime targets.  Static
       libraries are always treated as archive targets.  Module libraries are
       always treated as library targets.  For non-DLL platforms shared
       libraries are treated as library targets.  For DLL platforms the DLL
       part of a shared library is treated as a runtime target and the
       corresponding import library is treated as an archive target.  All
       Windows-based systems including Cygwin are DLL platforms.

       Per-configuration output name for RUNTIME target files.

       This is the configuration-specific version of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_NAME.

       Should rpaths be used for the build tree.

       SKIP_BUILD_RPATH is a boolean specifying whether to skip automatic
       generation of an rpath allowing the target to run from the build tree.
       This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_SKIP_BUILD_RPATH if it is set when a target is created.

       Source names specified for a target.

       Read-only list of sources specified for a target.  The names returned
       are suitable for passing to the set_source_files_properties command.

       What version number is this target.

       For shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to specify the
       build version and API version respectively.  When building or
       installing appropriate symlinks are created if the platform supports
       symlinks and the linker supports so-names.  If only one of both is
       specified the missing is assumed to have the same version number.
       SOVERSION is ignored if NO_SONAME property is set.  For shared
       libraries and executables on Windows the VERSION attribute is parsed
       to extract a "major.minor" version number.  These numbers are used as
       the image version of the binary.

       Extra flags to use when linking static libraries.

       Extra flags to use when linking a static library.

       Per-configuration flags for creating a static library.

       This is the configuration-specific version of STATIC_LIBRARY_FLAGS.

       What comes after the target name.

       A target property that can be set to override the suffix (such as
       ".so" or ".exe") on the name of a library, module or executable.

       The type of the target.

       This read-only property can be used to test the type of the given
       target.  It will be one of STATIC_LIBRARY, MODULE_LIBRARY,
       SHARED_LIBRARY, EXECUTABLE or one of the internal target types.

       What version number is this target.

       For shared libraries VERSION and SOVERSION can be used to specify the
       build version and API version respectively.  When building or
       installing appropriate symlinks are created if the platform supports
       symlinks and the linker supports so-names.  If only one of both is
       specified the missing is assumed to have the same version number.  For
       executables VERSION can be used to specify the build version.  When
       building or installing appropriate symlinks are created if the
       platform supports symlinks.  For shared libraries and executables on
       Windows the VERSION attribute is parsed to extract a "major.minor"
       version number.  These numbers are used as the image version of the

       Whether to add a compile flag to hide symbols of inline functions

       The VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN property determines whether a flag for
       hiding symbols for inline functions.  the value passed used in a
       visibility related compile option, such as -fvisibility=.  This
       property only has an affect for libraries and executables with
       exports.  This property is initialized by the value of the variable
       CMAKE_VISIBILITY_INLINES_HIDDEN if it is set when a target is created.

       Visual Studio managed project .NET references

       Adds one or more semicolon-delimited .NET references to a generated
       Visual Studio project.  For example, "System;System.Windows.Forms".

       Specify the .NET target framework version.

       Used to specify the .NET target framework version for C++/CLI.  For
       example, "v4.5".

       Visual Studio project-specific global variable.

       Tell the Visual Studio generator to set the global variable
       '<variable>' to a given value in the generated Visual Studio project.
       Ignored on other generators.  Qt integration works better if
       VS_GLOBAL_QtVersion is set to the version FindQt4.cmake found.  For
       example, "4.7.3"

       Visual Studio project keyword.

       Sets the "keyword" attribute for a generated Visual Studio project.
       Defaults to "Win32Proj".  You may wish to override this value with
       "ManagedCProj", for example, in a Visual Studio managed C++ unit test

       Visual Studio project type(s).

       Can be set to one or more UUIDs recognized by Visual Studio to
       indicate the type of project.  This value is copied verbatim into the
       generated project file.  Example for a managed C++ unit testing


       UUIDs are semicolon-delimited.

       Visual Studio project root namespace.

       Sets the "RootNamespace" attribute for a generated Visual Studio
       project.  The attribute will be generated only if this is set.

       Visual Studio project keyword.

       Can be set to change the visual studio keyword, for example Qt
       integration works better if this is set to Qt4VSv1.0.

       Visual Studio Source Code Control Aux Path.

       Can be set to change the visual studio source code control auxpath

       Visual Studio Source Code Control Local Path.

       Can be set to change the visual studio source code control local path

       Visual Studio Source Code Control Project.

       Can be set to change the visual studio source code control project
       name property.

       Visual Studio Source Code Control Provider.

       Can be set to change the visual studio source code control provider

       Visual Studio project C++/CX language extensions for Windows Runtime

       Can be set to enable C++/CX language extensions.

       Visual Studio project Windows Runtime Metadata references

       Adds one or more semicolon-delimited WinRT references to a generated
       Visual Studio project.  For example, "Windows;Windows.UI.Core".

       Build an executable with a WinMain entry point on windows.

       When this property is set to true the executable when linked on
       Windows will be created with a WinMain() entry point instead of just
       main().  This makes it a GUI executable instead of a console
       application.  See the CMAKE_MFC_FLAG variable documentation to
       configure use of MFC for WinMain executables.  This property is
       initialized by the value of the variable CMAKE_WIN32_EXECUTABLE if it
       is set when a target is created.

       Set Xcode target attributes directly.

       Tell the Xcode generator to set '<an-attribute>' to a given value in
       the generated Xcode project.  Ignored on other generators.

Properties on Tests

       Attach a list of files to a dashboard submission.

       Set this property to a list of files that will be encoded and
       submitted to the dashboard as an addition to the test result.

       Attach a list of files to a dashboard submission if the test fails.

       Same as ATTACHED_FILES, but these files will only be included if the
       test does not pass.

       Set this to a floating point value.  Tests in a test set will be run
       in descending order of cost.

       This property describes the cost of a test.  You can explicitly set
       this value; tests with higher COST values will run first.

       Specifies that this test should only be run after the specified list
       of tests.

       Set this to a list of tests that must finish before this test is run.

       Specify environment variables that should be defined for running a

       If set to a list of environment variables and values of the form
       MYVAR=value those environment variables will be defined while running
       the test.  The environment is restored to its previous state after the
       test is done.

       If the output matches this regular expression the test will fail.

       If set, if the output matches one of specified regular expressions,
       the test will fail.For example: FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION

       Specify a list of text labels associated with a test.

       The list is reported in dashboard submissions.

       Specify a CDASH measurement and value to be reported for a test.

       If set to a name then that name will be reported to CDASH as a named
       measurement with a value of 1.  You may also specify a value by
       setting MEASUREMENT to "measurement=value".

       The output must match this regular expression for the test to pass.

       If set, the test output will be checked against the specified regular
       expressions and at least one of the regular expressions has to match,
       otherwise the test will fail.

       How many process slots this test requires

       Denotes the number of processors that this test will require.  This is
       typically used for MPI tests, and should be used in conjunction with
       the ctest_test PARALLEL_LEVEL option.

       List of files required to run the test.

       If set to a list of files, the test will not be run unless all of the
       files exist.

       Specify a list of resources that are locked by this test.

       If multiple tests specify the same resource lock, they are guaranteed
       not to run concurrently.

       Do not run this test in parallel with any other test.

       Use this option in conjunction with the ctest_test PARALLEL_LEVEL
       option to specify that this test should not be run in parallel with
       any other tests.

       How many seconds to allow for this test.

       This property if set will limit a test to not take more than the
       specified number of seconds to run.  If it exceeds that the test
       process will be killed and ctest will move to the next test.  This
       setting takes precedence over CTEST_TESTING_TIMEOUT.

       If set to true, this will invert the pass/fail flag of the test.

       This property can be used for tests that are expected to fail and
       return a non zero return code.

       The directory from which the test executable will be called.

       If this is not set it is called from the directory the test executable
       is located in.

Properties on Source Files

       Is this source file an abstract class.

       A property on a source file that indicates if the source file
       represents a class that is abstract.  This only makes sense for
       languages that have a notion of an abstract class and it is only used
       by some tools that wrap classes into other languages.

       Preprocessor definitions for compiling a source file.

       The COMPILE_DEFINITIONS property may be set to a semicolon-separated
       list of preprocessor definitions using the syntax VAR or VAR=value.
       Function-style definitions are not supported.  CMake will
       automatically escape the value correctly for the native build system
       (note that CMake language syntax may require escapes to specify some
       values).  This property may be set on a per-configuration basis using
       the name COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_<CONFIG> where <CONFIG> is an upper-case
       name (ex.  "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_DEBUG").

       CMake will automatically drop some definitions that are not supported
       by the native build tool.  The VS6 IDE does not support definition
       values with spaces (but NMake does).  Xcode does not support
       per-configuration definitions on source files.

       Disclaimer: Most native build tools have poor support for escaping
       certain values.  CMake has work-arounds for many cases but some values
       may just not be possible to pass correctly.  If a value does not seem
       to be escaped correctly, do not attempt to work-around the problem by
       adding escape sequences to the value.  Your work-around may break in a
       future version of CMake that has improved escape support.  Instead
       consider defining the macro in a (configured) header file.  Then
       report the limitation.  Known limitations include:

         #          - broken almost everywhere
         ;          - broken in VS IDE 7.0 and Borland Makefiles
         ,          - broken in VS IDE
         %          - broken in some cases in NMake
         & |        - broken in some cases on MinGW
         ^ < > \"   - broken in most Make tools on Windows

       CMake does not reject these values outright because they do work in
       some cases.  Use with caution.

       Per-configuration preprocessor definitions on a source file.

       This is the configuration-specific version of COMPILE_DEFINITIONS.
       Note that Xcode does not support per-configuration source file flags
       so this property will be ignored by the Xcode generator.

       Additional flags to be added when compiling this source file.

       These flags will be added to the list of compile flags when this
       source file builds.  Use COMPILE_DEFINITIONS to pass additional
       preprocessor definitions.

       If set to true then this is an object file.

       If this property is set to true then the source file is really an
       object file and should not be compiled.  It will still be linked into
       the target though.

       Set to FIXED or FREE to indicate the Fortran source layout.

       This property tells CMake whether a given Fortran source file uses
       fixed-format or free-format.  CMake will pass the corresponding format
       flag to the compiler.  Consider using the target-wide Fortran_FORMAT
       property if all source files in a target share the same format.

       Is this source file generated as part of the build process.

       If a source file is generated by the build process CMake will handle
       it differently in terms of dependency checking etc.  Otherwise having
       a non-existent source file could create problems.

       Is this source file only a header file.

       A property on a source file that indicates if the source file is a
       header file with no associated implementation.  This is set
       automatically based on the file extension and is used by CMake to
       determine if certain dependency information should be computed.

       Make the output file have the same extension as the source file.

       If this property is set then the file extension of the output file
       will be the same as that of the source file.  Normally the output file
       extension is computed based on the language of the source file, for
       example .cxx will go to a .o extension.

       Specify a list of text labels associated with a source file.

       This property has meaning only when the source file is listed in a
       target whose LABELS property is also set.  No other semantics are
       currently specified.

       What programming language is the file.

       A property that can be set to indicate what programming language the
       source file is.  If it is not set the language is determined based on
       the file extension.  Typical values are CXX C etc.  Setting this
       property for a file means this file will be compiled.  Do not set this
       for headers or files that should not be compiled.

       The full path to a source file.

       A read only property on a SOURCE FILE that contains the full path to
       the source file.

       Place a source file inside a Mac OS X bundle, CFBundle, or framework.

       Executable targets with the MACOSX_BUNDLE property set are built as
       Mac OS X application bundles on Apple platforms.  Shared library
       targets with the FRAMEWORK property set are built as Mac OS X
       frameworks on Apple platforms.  Module library targets with the BUNDLE
       property set are built as Mac OS X CFBundle bundles on Apple
       platforms.  Source files listed in the target with this property set
       will be copied to a directory inside the bundle or framework content
       folder specified by the property value.  For bundles the content
       folder is "<name>.app/Contents".  For frameworks the content folder is
       "<name>.framework/Versions/<version>".  For cfbundles the content
       folder is "<name>.bundle/Contents" (unless the extension is changed).
       See the PUBLIC_HEADER, PRIVATE_HEADER, and RESOURCE target properties
       for specifying files meant for Headers, PrivateHeaders, or Resources

       Additional files on which a compiled object file depends.

       Specifies a semicolon-separated list of full-paths to files on which
       any object files compiled from this source file depend.  An object
       file will be recompiled if any of the named files is newer than it.

       This property need not be used to specify the dependency of a source
       file on a generated header file that it includes.  Although the
       property was originally introduced for this purpose, it is no longer
       necessary.  If the generated header file is created by a custom
       command in the same target as the source file, the automatic
       dependency scanning process will recognize the dependency.  If the
       generated header file is created by another target, an inter-target
       dependency should be created with the add_dependencies command (if one
       does not already exist due to linking relationships).

       Additional outputs for a Makefile rule.

       Additional outputs created by compilation of this source file.  If any
       of these outputs is missing the object will be recompiled.  This is
       supported only on Makefile generators and will be ignored on other

       Is this just a name for a rule.

       If SYMBOLIC (boolean) is set to true the build system will be informed
       that the source file is not actually created on disk but instead used
       as a symbolic name for a build rule.

       Exclude this source file from any code wrapping techniques.

       Some packages can wrap source files into alternate languages to
       provide additional functionality.  For example, C++ code can be
       wrapped into Java or Python etc using SWIG etc.  If WRAP_EXCLUDE is
       set to true (1 etc) that indicates that this source file should not be

Properties on Cache Entries

       True if entry should be hidden by default in GUIs.

       This is a boolean value indicating whether the entry is considered
       interesting only for advanced configuration.  The mark_as_advanced()
       command modifies this property.

       Help associated with entry in GUIs.

       This string summarizes the purpose of an entry to help users set it
       through a CMake GUI.

       Internal management property.  Do not set or get.

       This is an internal cache entry property managed by CMake to track
       interactive user modification of entries.  Ignore it.

       Enumerate possible STRING entry values for GUI selection.

       For cache entries with type STRING, this enumerates a set of values.
       CMake GUIs may use this to provide a selection widget instead of a
       generic string entry field.  This is for convenience only.  CMake does
       not enforce that the value matches one of those listed.

       Widget type for entry in GUIs.

       Cache entry values are always strings, but CMake GUIs present widgets
       to help users set values.  The GUIs use this property as a hint to
       determine the widget type.  Valid TYPE values are:

         BOOL          = Boolean ON/OFF value.
         PATH          = Path to a directory.
         FILEPATH      = Path to a file.
         STRING        = Generic string value.
         INTERNAL      = Do not present in GUI at all.
         STATIC        = Value managed by CMake, do not change.
         UNINITIALIZED = Type not yet specified.

       Generally the TYPE of a cache entry should be set by the command which
       creates it (set, option, find_library, etc.).

       Value of a cache entry.

       This property maps to the actual value of a cache entry.  Setting this
       property always sets the value without checking, so use with care.


Copyright 2000-2012 Kitware, Inc., Insight Software Consortium.  All rights

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

Neither the names of Kitware, Inc., the Insight Software Consortium, nor the
names of their contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.


See Also

The following resources are available to get help using CMake:

  Home Page

       The primary starting point for learning about CMake.

  Frequently Asked Questions

       A Wiki is provided containing answers to frequently asked questions.

  Online Documentation

       Links to available documentation may be found on this web page.

  Mailing List

       For help and discussion about using cmake, a mailing list is provided
       at  The list is member-post-only but one may sign up
       on the CMake web page.  Please first read the full documentation at before posting questions to the list.