# # WL#6972: Collect GTIDs to include in the protocol's OK packet # The test goes like this: # 1. Statements are executed and depending whether they are # updates or not, they get GTID assigned # 2. After each statement, we track the contents of the return packet. # They are saved to the result file. # # # Scenarios tested: # 1. DDL # 2. Explicit RW transaction # 3. Implicit RW transaction commit # 4. RO transaction following an RW autocommit transaction # 5. Finally DDL again # # These scenarios are tested for all three values of the # variable SESSION_TRACK_GTIDS # --let $uuid= `SELECT @@server_uuid` --let $i=3 --enable_session_track_info while($i) { if ($i == 3) { --let $_option= ALL_GTIDS } if ($i == 2) { --let $_option= OWN_GTID } if ($i == 1) { --let $_option= OFF } --eval SET SESSION SESSION_TRACK_GTIDS=$_option RESET MASTER; # transaction 1 - $uuid:1 CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT) Engine=InnoDB; # transaction 2 - $uuid:2 BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); COMMIT; # transaction $uuid:3 and $uuid:4 BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT) Engine=InnoDB; # Testing RO transaction following a RW transaction # transaction $uuid:5 INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); # RO transaction SELECT * FROM t1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); SAVEPOINT s; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s; ROLLBACK; # transaction $uuid:6 DROP TABLE t1, t2; --dec $i } --disable_session_track_info