# ==== Purpose ==== # # Begin to execute a statement, stop at a given sync point. # # See also: execute_from_sync_point.inc, execute_at_sync_point.inc # # ==== Usage ==== # # --let $statement_connection= CONNECTION_NAME # --let $statement= STATEMENT # --let $sync_point= SYNC_POINT_NAME # [--let $auxiliary_connection= CONNECTION_NAME] # [--let $quiet= [0|2]] # [--let $sync_point_timeout= N] # --source include/execute_to_sync_point.inc # # Parameters: # See execute_at_sync_point.inc. --let $include_silent= 1 --let $include_filename= execute_to_sync_point.inc --source include/begin_include_file.inc --let $include_silent= 0 if (!$rpl_debug) { --disable_query_log } # Sanity check. if ($statement_connection == '') { --die !!!ERROR IN TEST: set $statement_connection } --let $_esp_auxiliary_connection= $CURRENT_CONNECTION if ($auxiliary_connection != '') { --let $_esp_auxiliary_connection= $auxiliary_connection } if ($statement_connection == $_esp_auxiliary_connection) { --echo statement_connection=$statement_connection --echo auxiliary_connection=$_esp_auxiliary_connection --die !!!ERROR IN TEST: set $statement_connection to something else than $auxiliary_connection } if ($statement == '') { --die !!!ERROR IN TEST: set $statement } if ($sync_point == '') { --die !!!ERROR IN TEST: set $sync_point } --let $_esp_timeout= if ($sync_point_timeout) { --let $_esp_timeout= TIMEOUT $sync_point_timeout } # On $statement_connection, setup sync point and begin execute statement. --let $rpl_connection_name= $statement_connection --source include/rpl_connection.inc eval SET @@SESSION.DEBUG_SYNC = '$sync_point SIGNAL _esp_parked_$sync_point$underscore$statement_connection WAIT_FOR _esp_go_$sync_point$underscore$statement_connection $_esp_timeout'; if ($quiet != 2) { --echo [START] $statement; } --send eval $statement; # On auxiliary connection, begin waiting for statement to reach the sync point. if ($rpl_debug) { --echo waiting for debug sync point _esp_parked_$sync_point$underscore$statement_connection $_esp_timeout } --let $rpl_connection_name= $_esp_auxiliary_connection --source include/rpl_connection.inc eval SET @@SESSION.DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR _esp_parked_$sync_point$underscore$statement_connection $_esp_timeout'; --let $skip_restore_connection= 1 --let $include_filename= execute_to_sync_point.inc --source include/end_include_file.inc